Sunday 8 November 2015

Negative Aura

How do you respond to your own flesh and blood condemning your relationship? The Lord knows how bad it hurts especially when things are working out for her. She expects people to live up to her expectations as if she is in the relationship with this person. 

I am sure i am awake and not sleeping through life. I know where i stand with people especially my boyfriend. Why would i take advice from people who have no legit excuse of why i shouldn't be with someone. 

Lord i ask that you guide me through this rough patch because i do not know what is happening on the outside. People are supposed to be helping you and allowing God to work in your life but it seems as though people are making themselves God. You cannot determine anyone's future. You cannot prevent anybody from getting hurt even if it's a word of encouragement because if Jesus wants that to happen to be a lesson to the person, it is inevitable. Who are you to declare yourself high and mighty just because you are in a progressing relationship. 

My words are: THE DEVIL IS A LIAR. What Jesus wants to happen, it shall come to pass. I am careful of what I do and how i do it now. I am a work in progress because the Lord isn't finished with molding me how he wants me to be. I just need the negativity to go away or stay away from me because I am a child of God and I'm too old for this. 

Psalms 23:5  "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."