Monday 10 April 2017

Love Letter to Me

Sometimes life gives you rough harsh memories but it's not to punish you, it's to teach you how strong a woman you can be. You are daring, brave, bold, wonderful, created by God with a purpose and a plan towards your life. You have talent, skills and knowledge that can allow you to reach far in life. 

This is not a boastful message. It's a love letter to myself. I've always read other people's love letter to me, but never took the chance to appreciate all that I can do. I'm not the best at everything but I know I can do my best at most things. Love isn't hard to find. You just have to stop looking. Keep praying even though the storms are at their worst. Keep hoping even though it seems as though all hope is lost. Don't ever look back to wonder, what if that could have worked out? Forward ever, backward never. 

So go on girl, stay motivated. Keep trusting in Jesus. Believe in miracles and always be fashionable. xoxoxo

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