Wednesday 19 June 2019

It Ain't Always About Me

So recently I discovered that I stress way too much about minor things that shouldn't even phase me. I study what people think about me and how it is going to affect my feelings and emotions when I should be focusing on more important things like my dreams. 

I have a friend who always motivates himself and continues to pursue his biggest passion and even though we developed a very honest and worthwhile friendship, I was losing myself in pleasing him... I was worried that I will lose him as a friend if I get close to someone else or if I tell him what is really on my mind which is: "Do you consider yourself superior to me?" Maybe you should pull the huge stick out of your butt and start seeing things in a lighter version" or maybe "Stop assuming stuff and creating situations that aren't even there!"

But I couldn't say these things to him... Not because I'm afraid or walking on eggshells. It's because It ain't always about me. I have to accept that people gonna think what they want either way and I can only be real and if I tell people things the way I see them then I'll just be friendless and sad. He makes me so angry at times. He just digs and digs searching for the answer that suits him. It's like he is so hard to please and he is so wrapped up in his own little fantasy but all his motivational statuses are a cry for help. He ain't gonna love nobody until he sees his flaws. He presses a little too much and it will hurt me to know he just walks out on me because I've been there. I've agreed to things I wasn't even sure about because that is what real friends do. 

In the end, I put out way too much. But I benefit from all my effort. I have a direction.. I have a purpose.. I have a meaning in this life and nobody is gonna prevent me from having all that I need. I've become what millennials call, "WOKE". 

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