Tuesday, 14 January 2020

A Rose

I know you don't like him. I know you think I deserve better. I'm sorry for disappointing you. At this point I feel I'm disappointing myself. Can a person be the rose and the thorns in your flesh at the same time? 

My memories fade away of everything else that could have been because you made it that way. You made me commit. You made me commit only to you. You made me feel limited. I still feel that way. I realize the more I say, the more I hinder my own progress. You don't have to know everything. I don't like secrets but you are making me keep some. Just to protect your fragile heart. 

You're the most sensitive guy I know. I feel like I'm too hard for you. 
"You don't need a soft man". A blatantly honest friend once told me.
I don't wanna hurt your feelings. I will say less and I will pray more. I wanna be myself but I feel like I'm being pushed into a cube that will shape my every word, my every desire, my every thought. I apologize in advance for the person I'm becoming...

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