Sunday 28 April 2013

Just Enchanting

I just finished reading the book "Beautiful Creatures" by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It was a really good book until I had to finish read the last hundred pages or so in one day.

This book is an amazing love story between a mortal and a caster. It shows courage and ambition. Nowadays, we don't experience that kind of love. We are sometimes blinded by the minor issues that we face and forget about all the memories we share with the one that we love. The ending was rather tragic but they still got to be together and that's a really good sign.

After reading this book, it is starting to make sense to me. There are relationships like this... well minus the supernatural stuff. Its all about faith. The more we have, the more we can achieve. It is important if we want to achieve that silver lining. I started reading the sneak peak from the next book, "Beautiful Darkness" and i am excited to actually read the entire book. Even though its a fiction, i can relate to it so much and it is so believable.

To the guy in the book, Ethan Wate, all the applause in the world goes out to him because he stuck by Lena's side without even giving up even if the situation was horrible and it seemed hopeless. Starting to think of how much i love that book, i feel like i have some special superpowers now. Hahaha. Well maybe i do...but a special kind. In the end, we are all beautiful creatures, no matter how different we are.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Why Wait?

There comes a point in time where you find the person who you can see your future in. Its like you've been hit by a ten tonne truck in the middle of nowhere and you can't turn back. Sometimes that feeling can be lust, a desire to obtain something for the wrong reasons. In that case, forget about it... because a relationship based on lust and no love is a dead end. 

However, if your relationship is real and coincidental and you feel like you can wake up next to that person every single morning, then proceed. Don't let the negativity of parents or peers hold you down. They are not the one in your shoes and they cannot feel what you feel. Love is sometimes strange. Even if you don't want to fall for a person, you will end up doing so and hard. 

Taking a big step is always risky but if you decide to take that step with your true love, then there should be no regrets at all. If you aren't accepted by others, don't let that discourage you because only you and God Almighty can see your future happiness when you look that person in their eyes. The name calling and stereotyping may begin, but that is where you put your feet down. You can't let people force you into doing something you don't want to do or being someone you don't want to be. 

The next step is to gather yourself and find a new place. Even if it means moving out of your parents house, don't be afraid to take the step. Remember how Romeo and Juliet were kept apart, then they committed suicide in the end? You don't want to end up like that. Many teenagers end their life because of relationship struggles and parents still walk around with this mentality. Nothing says 'Goodbye horrible past' than a fresh start. 

I know how expensive a house can be so why rush it? If you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend that loves you so much then everything else will fall into place. I am not saying that courting is a great thing to do, but in difficult situations it helps. 

Last but not least, don't head back into that bad direction. People may ask you why you decided to start a new life and always ask dumb questions. Truth is, if you reached so far then you're going great and don't need to answer to anyone but God. True love only comes once or twice so we should grab onto the love mobile and stay on as long as we can. Forbidden true love sucks...but you don't have to accept the rejection. Why wait? Make a change and take control of YOUR life. (This does not apply if you are a minor)

Saturday 13 April 2013

Sneaky Children

Parents who fail to understand and trust their child/children, turn them into a monster. There is no nice way of saying it. Giving your teenage daughter(especially daughters) a little bit of freedom doesn't mean that they are going to go run out into the world, meet some random guy and get pregnant. There are those loose screws but on the other hand there are us-the courageous smart ones who choose wisely and longs to prove negative people wrong.

Get to know your child at first before you judge them. Do not let them turn out like your words. Have "the conversation" with them and ask them questions. Do not lecture because that child isn't gonna listen to one word you say. 
Develop that friendship. Why is that so hard? You already develop friendships every time you visit the supermarket.Parents are afraid that their children would treat them like a friend if they form that connection but that is not true. 

This generation doesn't really motivate parents to cut the slack. One parents uses a teen's mistakes to set rules in the household for their own child/children. This doesn't make any sense. Like the looking glass self, a psychology term, it is very easy for a person to think they are viewed a certain way by their parents. In other words, if you say I like a lot of boys, I am going to think that you think I am a slut. Just a reference. Nothing real. 

So putting restrictions on everything will make your kid sneaky and they will end up doing things they didn't even imagine they would do. It's like a slap to the face. You can only be a teenager once and if that is taken away from you slowly, you will become a mature adult before you're even ready. 



Friday 12 April 2013


    People who stereotype most likely are unaware that they are doing it or they don't care. Choose your words carefully because just by reading a blog post like this, you could be stereotyping.    Stereotyping is the collection of ideas about a specific group. For example, if a person dresses in all black and wears black lipstick with black stockings and black eyeliner, they are immediately a goth freak, emo, punk or devil worshipper.    

Saying that all American police officers eat donuts and take bribes is a stereotype. Saying that all women who wear boy clothes are lesbians is another stereotype. Why do other people bother us so much? We don't have to accept them, we just have to recognize that they are there and they might be stereotyping about us as well.    

Get real and pull the pole out of your butt because sitting on your high horse pointing fingers isn't going to get you far. I learnt all of this in Psychology class last semester and ever since I have learnt to respect other people's views. Do you know that stereotyping causes bullying?How would you feel to know your sister or brother walks into class everyday wearing a hoodie to hide his/her face from the shame of being him/herself? 

Cheerleaders get stereotyped all the time. This is their "so called" description:   Blonde girl with lots of attitude, extremely hot, wears pink, chews bubblegum and insults her best friends.Football Players, Smh, the description is even worse:Tough guys also knows as jocks, throw kids into lockers and host wild parties every weekend when their parents are out of town, cheats on their girlfriend and treats her like crap.    

Prove these people people wrong! They do not define us. We are a lot better than what they label us as. We might eventually become the stereotype because it might be much easier to live with it than to speak out. I know what it feels like because I have seen it happen right before my eyes, and worse yet, to the person I care about. Next time you attempt to say: "She looks like the kind of girl who" think again and choose your words carefully.