Parents who fail to understand and trust their child/children, turn them into a monster. There is no nice way of saying it. Giving your teenage daughter(especially daughters) a little bit of freedom doesn't mean that they are going to go run out into the world, meet some random guy and get pregnant. There are those loose screws but on the other hand there are us-the courageous smart ones who choose wisely and longs to prove negative people wrong.
Get to know your child at first before you judge them. Do not let them turn out like your words. Have "the conversation" with them and ask them questions. Do not lecture because that child isn't gonna listen to one word you say.
Develop that friendship. Why is that so hard? You already develop friendships every time you visit the supermarket.Parents are afraid that their children would treat them like a friend if they form that connection but that is not true.
This generation doesn't really motivate parents to cut the slack. One parents uses a teen's mistakes to set rules in the household for their own child/children. This doesn't make any sense. Like the looking glass self, a psychology term, it is very easy for a person to think they are viewed a certain way by their parents. In other words, if you say I like a lot of boys, I am going to think that you think I am a slut. Just a reference. Nothing real.
So putting restrictions on everything will make your kid sneaky and they will end up doing things they didn't even imagine they would do. It's like a slap to the face. You can only be a teenager once and if that is taken away from you slowly, you will become a mature adult before you're even ready.

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