Sunday 14 December 2014

High and Low

So I thought somehow my life would take a major turn around and it did. It flew, it crashed and now i'm out of my little bubble and my eyes are open to so many new things.

After being forgotten, lied to and embarassed, i finally got over that person and started something new. It didn't last though because of the differences in views and opinions but that only made me realize that i need to do something different. How can you live a life for the Lord and then have dealings with people who share another view of God?

I just need to be on the same page with someone for once. Because it seems like i take too many chances and it always comes back to bite me in the end. This is probably attempt number 100 but i have no shame in admitting that i am human and its ok to make mistakes. Where you go wrong is continuously repeating those mistakes.. So we learn , we live and we love... But we always wonder where it will lead....

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