Sunday 4 August 2013

These Clear Lines

Robin Thicke has blurred lines, but my lines are pretty clear. I got an awesome new best friend, who is caring, loving, determined and wonderfully attracted to moi .. 

I'm not gonna take big steps at this time of my life but I will definitely consider him when I'm ready to take that step. And of course, wherever there is something good, there are always jealous people around trying to tear down a good foundation but i won't let them. They don't deserve it. 

Working hard for something you want is always rewarding and for those people who think otherwise of me, I can't wait to prove them wrong. I'm gonna send some of my co-workers on such a hard guilt trip, they're gonna need more than a few beers after work to pick them back up. I may be speaking in riddles for now, but when i'm finished these lines will be as clear as possible. ;) 

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