Monday 22 July 2013

3 Guys, No Thanks

So my sister's wedding was Saturday 20, and I met this good looking dude there who was one of the groomsmen. He seems like a nice person but he doesn't seem serious to me. Nate, my really good friend likes me, also a dude from my science class. 

I'm not gonna choose anyone at all. Why should I? I'm not ready for something short term and meaningless. I gotta know that person for at least a year before I become their "girlfriend" I don't think people are real these days. It always seem too good to be true. All I can do is just close my eyes and pray for that right person someday. For now, I'm exploring my options while keeping everyone happy. 

I'm not leading anyone on because "love" hasn't been thrown out by me before. Time will tell. .

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