Tuesday 2 July 2013

Jesus Fills The Gap

Lost? Tired of searching? Alone? 

Jesus is the answer. He will never ever fail you even when times seem hopeless. I have learnt that there is much more to life than being afraid of what people think. Taking that big step makes you a bigger person and unequal to everyone else. 

Jesus keeps me breathing, keeps me hopeful, keeps me proud and confident and will always be my everything. I am no longer afraid of death or being alone because He is there for me. Church is my place of worship and our great teachers spread his name about and makes me joyous. I rather be in church than a nightclub any day. 

I have a big personality, sometimes too much for people to handle. But Jesus accepts me for who i am and never judges me based on my decisions. He just teaches me not to make the same mistake and to make him proud. I am a believer and he is my God.

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