Saturday 29 June 2013

You're A Mean One

So, there is this girl in my class who thinks she is above everybody else when she is clearly not. I don't wanna trash talk her or anything but I can't help but think that she is a two-tongued snake. 

She is in my science class and we're in a group together and today she thought it was okay to tell me I was boring and annoying. The amount of insults I could of told her, I would have surely sinned my soul. Well i held it together instead, being the mature person that i am and i just let it fly. 

However, i think this girl is jealous more than hateful against me. I know a lot of stuff and she is stuck in high school in her head. She even admitted that her spelling is whack. I don't wanna say that i'm better than her, cuz that would be wrong. All i got to say is: People will always dislike you just because you're doing good and having fun while doing so. I hope i never have to work with her again for the safety of my attitude. EVER.

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