Monday 10 June 2013

Summer Flop

So this summer I was really looking forward to getting a job to assist me in some personal needs. In other words, a girl needs money to buy stuff. 

Unfortunately it aint happening. I tried all I can, sending out resumes, emailing resumes, asking around. Nothing. I'm not giving up so easy though. I can't. 

At this point I think I will accept a simple job even as a waitress because I really wanna spend my OWN money and stop depending on my parents. It doesn't seem fair to me to be sitting at home when I can get a job and take responsibility. 

I don't need someone to hold my hand throughout life. I need to start being independent and proud. I also wanna get into some volunteer work so I can add that to my resume as a bonus. I also just like the act of volunteering. Until I get that summer job, this is nothing but a summer flop. 

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