Wednesday 5 June 2013

Can't Hide

There are just some things that make you feel guilty. I can't stand it when I see these posts on facebook and I know that it is about me. You might as well tell me it to my face. 

Everybody has their own way of dealing with situations like break-ups, fights and drama. My way of dealing with things is a more laid back approach and some people mistake that for not caring. I care about a lot of people who don't even know, but I am not like an open book. Sometimes you can't really tell if i'm mad, sad or happy. 

I am trying to live my life and have fun while I'm young and there are just some things I need to let go in order to do that. But what if these things don't wanna let me go? 

Moving on isn't easy but you can take a hint when someone tries to show you that they need something else. My advice to all those people whose loved one can't let them go: Give them time to heal and then they may or may not be your friend again. It's worth the try. 

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