Wednesday 12 June 2013

Life Is Golden

People just love to throw the term "YOLO" all over the place but they don't take the time to make sense of it. Its only one life you have, you cannot get back another when you die. 

It's extremely sad hearing that twins died in a car accident in Trinidad recently. They were coming from a nightclub in the morning time when their car crashed and went in between two large pillars of the highway. 

A nightclub. A place where drinking and smoking and other events take place. For me, these are not places I want to be in, going to, or coming from. I believe in Jesus Christ and all of those activities are of the world. 

My prayer is for all the young people mostly (and old) to come to Jesus. Dying is one but not knowing where your soul will spend eternity is another. If you die with Jesus in your heart, you know you will be going to heaven. But if you don't, it's another story nobody wants to read. Just remember, good works alone do not get you into heaven. Prayer, faith, obedience and commitment is what makes one succeed spiritually.

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