Sunday 16 June 2013

Happy Puddle

So I'm at the point of my life where i'm just sooo happy. I can smile for no reason because I have a reason. I am enjoying being a teenager for once. 

Life is sweet and my friends are making it a very fun time for me although I don't really go out much. I am so thankful for those inspirational people in my life including my parents. Some people say friends carry you and don't bring you back but I say, true friends stick by you every moment of your life.

I haven't really found the bunch of loyal friends as yet but I have from now until to do so. I'm not in desperate need of a best friend or anything so I don't see what the big deal is. Best friends are hard to find. You naturally have to grow up with them to call them your best friend. 

I had a best friend once who decided that I wasn't good enough so he walked out. I don't wanna do anybody else that. For now, I'm exploring like Reigna the Explorer. You never know what you'll find ;) 

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