Saturday 15 June 2013

I've Been Dreaming

I of all people would know what weird is. Somebody walking up to you and kissing you randomly is weird. Somebody dancing at a funeral is weird. But my weird is kinda not so weird but more of a fantasy. 

Last night I had a dream about Greg Onision, the youtuber. In my dream, I was hanging out with him, then later on in the dream, we kissed. It was so awesome. 

I can't believe that happened. I didn't even go to bed with him on my mind. Maybe because I was so darn tired... that's why. Yes, I think Greg is a beautiful creature but he has a girlfriend named Taylor Elaine and I think it was awkward to dream another woman's boyfriend. At least it was just a dream and not real. I don't think I will ever meet Greg unless I go to his country so most likely what happened in my dream will not ever happen in real life. 

Hope I don't dream him again tonight, although it would be very nice.

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