Sunday 2 June 2013

A Brighter Day

I am glad I didn't leave things the way they were. I have mended what was broken and healed the wounds of separation. I believe that person's friendship means a lot to me. 

For whoever is in a crisis with another or themself, forgive yourself first then forgive that person and make things right. Do not go to the extremes of blocking that person out. There is more to true love than just giving up. Once there is tomorrow, there is a second chance. 

Finding someone who matches you is difficult and if you let go of someone who is right for you, you may end up regretting it. Try hard to be the person you want to be with. Put yourself in their shoes and take account for all your actions and feel their pain. Empathy. It's a short word but has a lot of meaning. 

A weight has been lifted off, so now I can finally fly again. 

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