Friday 21 June 2013

Keeping It Real

My time hasn't reached as yet but when it does, I wanna be completely honest. I'm talking about meeting that dream guy. 

My kind of guy most likely will have the nerdy look, great personality and much more. I don't like introducing myself to a new person I like without letting them know what they are getting into though. The next person I meet, I wanna lay it all out on the table.

"Hi, I'm a Christian and I am not willing to change my beliefs for you or anybody else." A little too harsh? I wouldn't say. I think its good to let the person know that you're serious and not just looking for a fling. I want that person to know me very well... to be my best friend before becoming anything more than that. 

I don't see what's the big deal in saying what you wanna say. Everybody always hides something at first and then comes clean later on when things are going great. Well my friends, big mistake if you do that. I just want somebody to accept me 100%, around my same age and willing to see past my flaws. Meeting new people is always scary for me, but I will wait patiently for that special someone I will spend the rest of my life with. 

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