Monday 3 June 2013

Types of Twitter People

The most typical people are found on twitter. However, I am not one of them. This is just an illustration of the type of people you meet:

1. Those people who claim to be "TeamFollowBack" when they really just follow you and unfollow you the next day.

2. People who tweet about everything they do including using the bathroom, eating a sandwich and putting on their left shoe.

3. People who retweet and never really post any original tweets.

4. People who follow people who are hot in their twitter profile picture.

5. Celebrities who tweet to let you know how awesome their life is while you sit at home like a loser favoriting their tweets, wishing you were famous. 

6. People who hashtag every single thing they say... Using the toilet #PoopyTime

7. People who look at facebook picture quotes and copy them as a tweet and receive tons of retweets. 

8. Last but not least, people who stalk celebrities and do stuff to grab their attention. 

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