Thursday 13 June 2013


Having a crush is a whole different feeling by itself. It doesn't necessarily means that you love that person. It just means that you fancy them.

It starts off with the person being next to you most of the time or around you. Then everything they do just seems so cute. Their laugh, their smile, their jokes. It's a great feeling. Not everyone acts on their feelings however. Like me, whenever I have crushes, most of the time I just let it slide.

Oh fantasies. I just love them. They give me a chance to do what I cannot do in person, like kiss that cute boy in my science class. :O Can't believe I just typed that. Well, I was really thinking about it until I couldn't concentrate today in class. 

At least I'm safe in my own mind and he cannot hear my thoughts. Cuz if he could, he would think I'm crazy just like everyone else does. 

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