Saturday 8 June 2013

Dream Guy

Everyone has their own taste right? Well I know I have mine. 
My kinda fella is one in a million and I am willing to wait for that person to come along. 

First of all he has to be Christian. That's the most important thing to me. Someone who loves Jesus just as much as me will make a very good boyfriend and husband-to-be. Secondly, he needs to have a great sense of humor, be loyal and trustworthy. 

I can't deny that I'm attracted to guys that look like this: 

However, his hair must not be too long or he should not be too high maintenance. I'm not even a high maintenance kind of girl so why should you, as a guy, be like that? 

He has to have good breath. Kissing someone with bad breath doesn't make the cut. He has to also have proper hygiene and smell good. I'm not saying to buy out the shelf of Calvin Klein perfumes... Just shower twice a day at least. 

I'm mixed, so I'm attracted to people of the same race also but that doesn't mean I have only one preference. So my guys will look like this...

However, he must not be too vain, too pretty boy, too girly or too insecure. Still not forgetting, he must be a true Christian. 

It's not always possible to find the hot guy with the great personality but time will tell. I won't settle for less to nothing. True love conquers all differences and flaws but a girl can still have her dreams right? 

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