Thursday 22 December 2016


Crushes are petty little things. I wouldn't even consider them to be official. It can change a night or a lifetime. All depends on which end you're on. If you're the "crusher" or the "crushee". I had to create my own vocab just to describe it. 

1. Mystery
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It all begins with secrets and maybe a few lies here and there to cover up real emotions. Its a natural thing. Not like you're gonna lie about your gender or anything like that. 

2. Jealousy 

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When you have a crush, it is only natural to wanna shoot anyone who comes near that person. I know I wanted to a couple of times. 

3. Affection 

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Once there has been an established likeness for one another you might wanna kiss each other to express feelings. Ahhh yess.. Memories... 

So thats basically the crush pointers. Why do they call it a crush? I'm guessing because it hits you hard and sometimes you can't get over it so it crushes you.. All this to say. Maybe i'm crushing on a few at this moment.. 

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