Thursday 29 December 2016

New Approach

Image result for jenna hamilton

I don't know what's more offensive, being called fat or being told I shop in a "dollar store for makeup". Geesh, these dudes have no chill whatsoever. This is the point of my life where I wish that I could hang out with potatoes and it will be more fun. 

I kinda screwed things up years ago with my first love. He poured his heart out to me and all I gave him was nothing. Maybe it's a wake up call. Stop allowing people to pour their hearts out to me and give them nothing but tears and heartache in return. Maybe I should stay from everyone. 

For the new year I wanna start doing new things. Being savage is one of them. I give dumb guys too many chances and ignore the good genuine ones. Next, I wanna start capitalizing my 'I' letters. I'm always lazy to hit the caps lock and leave it common. That stops with this blog. There isn't much to do now that I'm on the single train. Sure, guy friends will hit me up for a hangout session or two but what else is there? No real dates, no real crushes. 

This guy that recently admitted he wants another chance with me after three horrible 'dates' isn't even showing that. Maybe I should go off the grid for a few days...or weeks... or months. Too dramatic? I don't think so. I think I need a new approach because i'm being too nice. #TEAMSAVAGE 

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