Sunday 8 October 2017

Catching My Breath

I thought I would be done with college by now but oh well.. I guess this is fine... Waiting around, asking God for some kind of miracle. I don't even wanna stay in this career path right now.. With life throwing its best at me I am trying to work two jobs and maintain a certain level of sanity within. I can't stop striving for success

Personal Life:

This is gonna be interesting. The guy who I've been interested in for a while finally gave me attention but how long was that? 10 minutes? I am not falling for that anymore. It is time to put aside childish desires and start to live in preparation for the future. Attention;  I'm getting that and I didn't even had to ask for it. Who knows sickness can bring people together who never even met before. I can't wait to see where this goes. 

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