Friday 14 September 2018

Bad Guy

In this life, you just can't please everyone. You gotta choose who you gonna please day by day. Or you can do like me and not give a shit. 

I was told that I am a bleeping bleep and that I treated a certain individual like a "dog". I had all right to do what I did. If I don't want negative vibes in my house, I can leave a person's clothes outside. If I cannot handle being treated like garbage I can walk away. If I cannot stand repeating myself and not being heard, I can stop talking. Things got way out of hand and I don't think it is about me and him anymore. This just became really personal. 

My other friend won't talk to me. I am officially blocked from everything I can get blocked on. But hey, two can  play that game and two played that game because I got to block first. It is such a shame that individuals listen to one side of a story and run with it and feel that everything they say is correct and I will always remain the bad person. One day everyone is gonna realize their mistakes and it will be too late. I would have already moved on with my life and actually find happiness in this world of users, abusers and addicts. 

Some of the things that were said hurt... I admit it. But I'm not gonna let that drag me below the state I am in already. Working fast food isn't my life long dream but it's better than nothing. At least I can see myself progressing and doing way more than depending on my friends to help me get through life. It ain't about all who can talk you out of situations... It's about who is real and willing to love you through all your messy ways... 

Image result for fake friends

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