Tuesday 11 September 2018

The Unreal became Real

He is back. Back into my life... this time not with a blue flower with red thorns but with a fierce desire to have happiness. 

Image result for taylor swift love story

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him sitting on my couch, having the best conversation ever. I couldn't stop looking at his almost perfect face.. Those rosy lips that I once kissed on multiple occasions. That soft voice... I don't even need to go into further detail because I already know how much there is to admire. 

I didn't expect him to be so willing to bond with me because I had abandoned him at one period in time and he hated me for that. Forgiveness is really key to moving on and having a bright future. I have to say I don't expect white horses and chariots but I know what I deserve and I am gonna make sure that my standards are kept. 

We had an awesome night. Things took a very interesting turn but I think we are both grown enough to make decisions on the spot and we are comfortable with each other's body. Everything about him is so soft... so delicate as if I touch him deeply he'll tear apart. I still am in disbelief. I don't know what else to say to make this seem less corny but I know happiness when I see it. Positivity is way more attractive on a man than most attributes. I remember all the great times and hope to experience many more... 

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