Monday 24 October 2016


I've learnt, I can't have the best of both worlds. It's one or the other. Sometimes we make decisions because we think its what is best for us. But what if you have everything you need and its just not your heart's desires. 

Love comes in many forms.. But what i've learnt, it takes time. A wise person once told me never to rush anything... just take your time and enjoy every moment.. Little did i know that person was trying to tell me something more than just that. They were teaching me patience. Something i am lacking at the moment. If i had just listened things might have been different. 

I do not want to make myself a total fool by leading on that person when clearly i'm in a commitment. I'm being very indecisive and i can't explain why exactly. All i know, I am not sure of what is going to happen in the future. Promises may be broken, hearts may remain shattered... dreams may become mere fantasies..... relationships may become robotic.. I am not going to doom myself. I am going to just pray and observe every aspect of life. 

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