Friday 14 March 2014

Hold on

So you got a call from work saying that you will be moving to the other branch... It hit me like a bullet. I don't think i wan't that distance between us.

What we have was built day by day and i feel like the managers and bosses don't appreciate and understand that. They decided they want you far away and you can't complain. I'm holding on to you because it's what you do when you truly love someone.

When you just broke the news you showed me you were so strong and was there for me like a good man would be for the sake of his woman but when we were apart, you broke. I wasn't there to tell you that it would be alright and that i'm here for you. But i think you know i'm here. Who else will answer your call at 4 in the morning?

Don't let this distance get between us. Lets use it as a fuel and motivation to push forward. Stay strong and keep your faith in God. This is the first time i'm saying this in my blog but boy, i'm crazy for you...

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