Sunday 30 March 2014

They Judge

We are two grown people and it doesn't matter how old I get, I will always be judged by people who claim their lives are perfect inside out.

We can never be too sure about anyone. It's only if i give up on you, then you would realize i don't care about you enough to wait and see what you can do. But no, they judge. They want to say something bad about someone they don't know a thing about.

Sometimes i wish my family was a good bunch. The ones who accept things for what they are instead of shoving a heapful of "advice" down your throat everything you do something on your own. Sometimes i feel like i need an escape but i dont wanna run away. How do i cope with the bitterness of the judgements and still keep a happy face for the one who likes to see me smile?

Humans are very funny beings... They should be glad you're going for better and being happy but instead they take joy in your pain. They just want something bad to happen to come to your face and say, "I told you so."

Yeah, my life isn't crystal clear at this moment but someday i'll be able to make my decisions without hearing all these whispering behind the curtains.

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