Wednesday 12 March 2014

How to Deal

What do you do when you keep pushing someone away even though they show they care for you more than other things? What if you're not accustomed to being treated like a princess and when it happens, you take it for granted and then its gone.

I don't want to keep acting this way. I need to learn to get over little things instead of holding on and going to bed on a bad note. I can't see myself caring for someone else the way i care for you. I know you're rethinking everything that is going on right now but i ask that you do not rethink me.

I can fix myself and come clean. No stress, no mess, no low tolerance. I just need to show you how much i care. I can't have this silence between us or this wall that you're starting again. I helped you tear the wall down and i feel like i'm helping you rebuild it just by acting selfish and bratty.

Just because i'm young, it doesn't mean i'm not capable of being with you. It just means i have a lot to learn and i am willing to do that. Just hold on, don't let me go............

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