Monday 17 February 2014

Learning to Love Again

With our past experiences, we can't help but guard our hearts. Funny thing about it, we act like we already trust each other with our hearts... and that's a great thing. 

You know what you have to do for yourself and you improve. I love to  see you take care of yourself for once instead of making other people your top priority and leaving yourself out. Your walls are still up but i'm helping you take them down one brick at a time. 

Time will heal and as the song goes , "We're not broken just bent and we can learn to love again." A true quote sung by a total maniac. The Lord has plans for us, we just have to take this thing that we have step by step. 

I'm noticing a change in you... And i like it. I just hope all goes well because i don't want that wall to go up and stay. 

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