Friday 6 June 2014

If you wanted to, you would

You think you try, but you don't. You always say you care more but you don't. If you call me, i will make time to speak with you even if i'm on the internet. The internet isn't my life. You're part of my life.

I just have this feeling like you don't wanna talk to me. I don't mind not talking to you every hour of the day but once or twice would be lovely. Of course i can't have that because apparently i'm always busy when i'm currently unemployed sitting home doing absolutely nothing and my semester just started so no exams to study for. -_-

I gotta get a new plan, a new strategy.. I'm going to act like i'm high. Like i don't care. A little reverse psychology on you. Just because you projected a physiological state on me, you're gonna get what you really deserve. If this is how you imagined a relationship would be like then you got it. I just hope its not too much for you, cause you seem awfully busy.....hahahaha

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