Thursday 12 June 2014

My Frozen just got melted

Ever feel like someone you love is in your life constantly reminding you that you cannot do something and that you're not good enough? Well i have had my dose of that and i am now moving on.

Besides the crappy manic disorder of my father just last night, i have cleared my mind and learnt to embrace even the worst situations because these are the ones that are going to make me a whole lot better. I wouldn't appreciate my super amazing friend Stephon if things were peachy. Yes i actually called a name because he is that special. Anyways, as i was saying, Stephon has held my hand through this whole thing. Whenever i chatted with him it was like falling in love without actually putting feelings out there. He makes me feel important.

No, I'm not going to fall hard and then try to turn things around. Been there, done that and it didn't turn out so well. At least i have a new job to look foward to tomorrow morning and i have never been so excited to wrap people's groceries before. I guess everybody has their preference of a job and this time i am not going to let anyone get to me. I am going to suck it up, face reality and be the damn best hardworking wrapper there is. As for my friend Stephon, i won't lie... I really wanna kiss him. ;)

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