Thursday 19 June 2014

What is happening?

I don't really know what's going on in my life. My mother moved out, i distanced myself from my so called "boyfriend" and now i'm best buddies with my friend who i once worked with. God has a funny way of handling things, but i enjoy every moment.

My feelings are extending toward my friend and i don't think it's a good idea to let it reach far. I need to keep it calm for now because he isn't really the guy i would go for. I've thought several times about being with him and it just seems like he would have a lot of respect for me. But i won't settle for less than a true Christian so my mind's made up.

Sometimes i feel like i care for him so much more than that other person who once had a great impact on my life. I need to just be me, real, a good friend and a good Christian. That is the key to my happiness.

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