Sunday 8 June 2014

Why I turned off my cellphone

I'm not being a hot head, or irrational. I'm being smart. If you want to play indirect mind games with me then i'm going to do the same. I have let you toy with my emotions right through and i have had enough.

So, all the time you said i was busy and you didn't want to stop me from being on the internet doing nothing so i let you go to bed or whatever because i didn't want to force you to speak to me. Now you're calling my phone for God knows what and i know it's going to be the same thing.

Like i said before, if you wanted to, you would. I'm going to take this time to think. What do i really want? What is it that HE really wants? You always feel you know everything. Even had the audacity to tell me i cannot control my feelings. Well i put that in its place.

There's no use talking to you and telling you whats going on with me if you're not gonna respond in a way that a human would respond. You always have some kind of reference to your supernatural abilities or your extreme power of knowing judo or "tai kwan duh", my words of course. I'm not gonna just lock you out. I will only respond to your text messages if i feel like it. Reason being: I don't want to feel like i won a prize by getting a phonecall from you. I'm all worked up and you're like bleh. So here's the deal. Work on how to pull your head out of your butt and share your feelings or be the hard ass that you are.

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