Friday 31 May 2013

Stuck.. But for a Moment

Sure, everybody else is moving up in life and it feels like I am stuck in the same spot, but that is just a feeling. It does not define me. I am capable of great things.

I've got a friend who was really close that is moving foward and although I am trying to be very happy for him as he would do for me, it just seems hard. I'm glad he is not being held back though. Although it irritates me to see people vacationing and taking awesome pictures, I'm gonna act strong like if it doesn't bother me. 

I rather address certain problems this way because I don't want a whole bunch of people feeling sorry for me. It's bad enough that sometimes I feel sorry for myself. My time will come where I reach to the top of the mountain and I would not rub it in people's faces. I don't wan't someone to be in the position that I'm in now. Its not a great feeling at all. 

There isn't much you can really do after all when your parents are like dictators controlling your every move but rebelling doesn't always have to be bad. Most of the times, the only way you can express yourself is to go against the norms of a boring life. I love singing... that's a start. Stay tuned, You'll hear more about that in my next blog. 

Thursday 30 May 2013

New Semester, BIG Expectations

I just love the beginning of a new semester. Makes me feel to go shopping. Too bad I depend on my parents for money(Dead End). Well this short semester, I am so looking foward to seeing new faces like these: 

Especially that second one... ;) I could really use a bunch of strangers to keep me company throughout the three boring hours of class that I still love so much.

On my campus, hot smart guys are so rare. Well there are always those "half but not fully gone emo people"... I just need some kind of excitement and that can only be found when you are among a great bunch of people. Boring people make life feel black and white. I think the world can handle at least two of me. 

I've already made some friends on the campus but I think I've gone too personal. I should have just left it as hi and bye. Oh well, can't regret it now cause it won't fix a thing. I could really use some eye candy. I know I implied it before but my life is pretty boring so that will do. 

I'm also looking foward to writing more blogs like this than depressed emo blogs like i usually do. It all depends on the weather in my life I guess. Anyways, to the point, I will be studying very hard to get two A's for this summer semester. Maybe if I do that, some hot guys would come around for me to look at them. Aha! 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

What You Don't See Coming

There are those times where you feel like you're moving ahead and taking new steps when all of a sudden, someone or something from the past pops up. 

The person was there, but you had already shut them out for good reasons and they decide to try to be your friend again. I do not understand why these things happen but they are all stages in life and we have to cope with them and decide whether we want to keep a person in our lives or send them away forever. 

It hits you like culture shock. Sometimes these people or things that come back bring along feelings and you want to try your best to forget about what happened but you just can't ignore the elephant in the room. I don't believe we should hold grudges... we should forgive and be open to the past resurfacing. 

We don't have to accept these people who come back, but we could listen to what they have to say. I believe that once a ship have sailed, there is no turning back. However, if it is righteous in the eyes of God, something might come out of it. 

As a person who is experiencing this now, I do not wish to turn back the hands of time and revisit that area I once was in. I hate to crush dreams but I can't do things to please that person. I need to work on myself and what the Lord wants for me. 

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Must Watch Vids

We all know how Youtube has developed over the years and how loaded it is with videos. I already gave my views on some of the famous youtubers without bashing anyone. Videos are what keep us entertained in our boring lives and busy schedules. I am Reigna and these are my top video picks:

First up is one of the videos from none other than Onision- Ten things I hate about phones: 

I really laughed at that video. 

Next is Shane Dawson's Original Music Video, Superluv: 

I really love this song. At least he doesn't cuss in it. Haha :P 

Next is Bart Baker, my recently added youtuber to my subscribe list. This is his parody of Thrift shop:

Next is Barely Political's As Long As You Love Me parody:

This dude who plays bieber is great! 

And to finish it off, my new favorite, Smosh! This is their video for If movies were real:

Awesome videos and much more in store. Check out these video creators for much more laughs! Soon i'll be on the youtubing trend. ;)

Monday 27 May 2013


You know that feeling you get in your gut that makes you feel so disgusted? That is the feeling I get when I see you being hurt. It hurts me more than it hurts you. All of that was not called for. 

Some parents can be so irritating and so full of hate for someone they don't even know. I wish I could snap my finger and appear in another place far away from here. I need more than an escape... I should have never let those hurtful words be said to you... I should have just stopped it myself and take it instead. 

I'm glad we are at a better place now but it still isn't good enough. Now you understand what I go through almost everyday of my life and you understand why I needed things to be put to rest. I wish I didn't have to walk on eggshells all my life. When I find my place, it will be mine and then I can do what I want

Saturday 25 May 2013

Letting Go

What hurts more? The pain of letting go or the pain of being let go? For me I think both hurts.

We aren't always pleased with our situations. Sometimes we push foward because we know we want to try something else. A person who is in love puts out a lot and to have their hopes and dreams crushed can make the person who ended things feel like a monster. 

No matter how much we try to forget, the memories come back and it haunts. I rather stop something before it explodes than let it swell up inside and just cause devastation. These are my words... These are my actions.. This is my life. We have to account for all of this and it wouldn't look great if you keep ripping through people like if they are nothing. The last thing I want to do is hurt people. 

When that person gathers their emotions and is strong enough to say the words they can't now, I will be waiting. It's all confusing if you don't experience it. Letting go someone is much more harder than everyone thinks. Time will heal the wounds of the hurt, but memories are always there and cannot be blocked out... but can be replaced by new ones. The fear we have is not really losing the person we love, but rather losing the person we love to someone else. 

When you think of it, it's better you let someone live their life and be happy than be in something that tears them down without them knowing. In the end, all I can say... It was all real. None of it was fake. 

Friday 24 May 2013

Good Grades

In the college life, we expect a lot from our grades. Grades are the bullets of the gun of intelligence and it determines our potential. I just love when i get grades like this: 

When i realized my grade i wanted to jump on a trampoline and dance like a crazy person. All my hard work had finally paid off. Although I have like a whole three years of studying ahead of me, i'm glad that i have something to show it isn't a waste of time. To all those college students out there, do not give up... keep your faith and trust in God and you will get what you want. 

Thursday 23 May 2013

Hair It Is!

Colored hair looks so cool. Some of us girls are way past the point of plain black, brown and blonde. Now girls are adding highlights, streaks and dyeing the whole thing in bright colors. I am waiting for the day I am out of my parents house to dye my entire hair mermaid color. Until then I'll admire random internet people's hair. Here is a little photo-blog of my favorite hair colors. 




Purple and Black: 

Red Hair: 


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Kim K's Pregnant Fashion

The picture below is so bad that I just had to write a blog about it. 

Kim, it's really great that you are pregnant, yay! But you need to dress a little more appropriate and comfortable. Everybody knows that Kim loves attention and pictures and wants to be sexy and pregnant but sometimes it doesn't work. When a woman is pregnant to this extend, she is supposed to wear flat sandals/shoes which has enough cushion to support a swollen feet. This picture is just disturbing. It looks like a bad peanut allergic reaction.

Another thing I want to point out is prints. As a pregnant person, carrying a big belly in front of you is already an alteration to your style. A pregnant person has to be very careful of the types of prints on clothing he/she wears. If you don't choose your clothes wisely, you will end up looking like a couch: 

If she had worn this when she wasn't showing this much, it would have made a big difference. 

Nonetheless, I love Kim's Fashion sense. It's classy and neat and she can pull it off. It is unfair to make fun of a pregnant woman but if she dresses inappropriate, she has to expect criticism. I wan't to see pregnant Kim look more like this instead:

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Cliche Movies

There are a lot of movies these days that can describe life in just a few hours. But it really irritates me when movies are being made based on stuff we already know. I don't get the encouragement to watch these 'cliche movies'. Let's face it. It gets boring. I always say the best producer that is full of creativity is the one and only Tim Burton who created wonderful movies like Edward Scissorhands and A Nightmare Before Christmas. There are also other great movies which are unique but we all know when a producer is just out for the bucks. They make cliche movies. Lets get started with the categories:

Dumb sequels of Cinderella. There is only one good Cinderella that was created years ago and it was the cartoon. We have seen many actresses play the role such as Brandy, Hilary Duff and even Selena Gomez. Now there is some chic who looks like Selena who starred in the movie "A Cinderella Story: Once upon a Song" What does that even mean? o.O

Then there is those black movies in the time of slavery and the times black people were oppressed. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see what struggles they had to face and I'm a black person myself but there are way too many movies that depict this. "The Help" was one of the best black movies in my opinion. Sometimes I don't want to think about all the bad times black people face but it just comes up like an elephant in a room constantly reminding everyone how whites were evil. Give it a break like seriously. 

Oh High school movies... We all love them.. Yea right! I am sick of this typical teen movie where the nerd girl/boy or unpopular girl/boy has a crush on the 'jock' or football player who already has a slutty cheerleader girlfriend. Usually, in the end, the unpopular girl/boy ends up with the crush and the slutty girlfriend gets dust. Bleh. 

Last but not least, those crappy horror movies that always deal with a ghost girl who looks like she has been soaked in water and flour overnight and didn't wash her hair for months or bathe. There is always ghosts living in some house, haunting some married couple who just moved into a new apartment without checking the history or asking the creepy next door neighbors about it. We need more shows like SAW. That way, we get to see creative killing techniques and be amazed. 

My word to producers, Try to be original. Enough sequels of crap nobody cares about. Reigna has spoken.

Monday 20 May 2013

The Weirdest Love Story

Everybody sees love a different way. I do not settle for the cliche love with roses and chocolates. If you haven't seen the movie "Silver Linings Playbook" then you have been missing out on a whole new perspective of love. It shows two people in two different places of distress but still have some similarities which connect them. 

This was an amazing story that really touched me. It was the perfect romantic comedy and i rate it 10 out of 10. If we have some crazy love stories like this, society would be a much better place. 

Sunday 19 May 2013

These Walls

Sometimes we fall in love so fast that all sorts of thoughts race through our minds. We may not be able to control it but we can stop it from controlling us. We hurt the ones we love and create walls that prevent us from loving that person 100%. 

We have to be very careful on the decisions we make especially when negative thoughts are already flowing through our minds. If we don't have the special person to put up with our flaws, then we will end up being alone most of the time. Breaking someone's heart doesn't make you feel good. It haunts you day and night and all you wanna do is talk to that person and right the wrongs. 

We all break at times, but its up to us to have the strength to go on. One person in a relationship usually has to have the strength for two because the other person might be broken or hurt or in some kind of conflict. We shouldn't block out our boyfriend/girlfriend for selfish reasons because it wouldn't help the situation. 

True love conquers all and if its meant to be then it will last through thick and thin. If its true love the feelings won't fade away overnight... or over a couple of weeks. Or maybe ever. Don't play around with someone's heart like how Summer did in "500 Days of Summer." You will end up regretting all that you did when someone else who truly appreciates that person comes into their life. So whatever self issues you are facing now, get over it because that person who loves you already has. 

Saturday 18 May 2013

Foods That Tickle You(Part One)

I'm a sucker for great food. Although i am not a big fan of meat, there are a lot of new recipes i would like to try. Sometimes you get a feeling for something you haven't eaten before and it seems weird but its not. Our minds are like that. Once you create the image in your brain, you can predict the taste due to experiences with past foods. But enough science talk, here are my list of foods I want to try and am lame enough to have never tried:

Fried Ice Cream:: Sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen but once or twice or three times eating it wouldn't hurt right?

Coconut Cream Pie: Delicious and first heard about it either on Paula Deen's cooking show or iCarly. Can't remember.

Chicken Empanadas: My spanish teacher caused this craving. She promised to make for the entire class and then never did.

Stuffed Dumplings: Once there is no other meat than chicken inside or veggies, this would make an excellent treat. Yummy!

Friday 17 May 2013

Youtube Vision

I have been watching a lot of youtube videos for the past few days and I have just gotten the encouragement to make some videos of my own. I realized that a lot of people are into the kind of "tell all" videos and that isn't really my style. I am more into the crazy music videos either parody or original videos. Sometimes i listen to people who can't really sing that well so that it would make me feel good about my average singing voice. I know it kind of seems like a douchebag thing to do but that is what will make me actually do a video. I already have a bunch of ideas and can't wait to put it on screen. 

Channel Reviews:

First up is ShaneDawsonTv. I have to say it is a very funny channel but there is a lot of obscene language sometimes. Shane really can come up with great storylines though although they are so crazy. My favorite Shane character is Shananay which is his ghetto female version of himself in videos. His song Superluv is the best song I've heard. 

Next is Onision. He really goes low budget at times and some of his videos are kinda weird and crazy but some have really made me laugh for example the one "Ten things i hate about cell phones." His videos are like smaller versions of Shane Dawson's but it is still original and interesting. 

Next is Barely Political. Very awesome channel. I watched the parody of "Kiss you by One direction" like a million times as well as "Justin Bieber as long as you love me" parody. The outfits are so alike the actual celebrities who sang or acted and the videos are funny and catchy. I rate it 10/10. Not too much obscene language or sexual content.

Last but not least of my subscriptions is Hoiitsroi. At least i think its that. Roi first of all is the cutest thing ever. The first video of them I have ever seen is the parody for "Call me maybe by carly rae jepson" and it was funny. After that i couldn't stop watching wassabi productions. Its a low scale production but the music and ideas are great. I hope to see lots more clean fun from the wassabi bros.