Monday 27 May 2013


You know that feeling you get in your gut that makes you feel so disgusted? That is the feeling I get when I see you being hurt. It hurts me more than it hurts you. All of that was not called for. 

Some parents can be so irritating and so full of hate for someone they don't even know. I wish I could snap my finger and appear in another place far away from here. I need more than an escape... I should have never let those hurtful words be said to you... I should have just stopped it myself and take it instead. 

I'm glad we are at a better place now but it still isn't good enough. Now you understand what I go through almost everyday of my life and you understand why I needed things to be put to rest. I wish I didn't have to walk on eggshells all my life. When I find my place, it will be mine and then I can do what I want

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