Tuesday 31 March 2015

50 Shades - The Male Nurse..Fantasy #2

His presence was noted at the point of entering the ward. I put my bag in the staff room and got myself ready for work. After the handing over on the female side of the surgical ward, we went to the male side. He grabbed a pile of folders and dragged the side desk closer to us. I listened to everything he said and took the words as they came out of his mouth.

He finished the hand over and I walked to the last cubicle. "Can you help me with a bed bath?" he asked.
I said, "Sure."
His smile indicated that he was pleased with my response so we did the bed bath together. It was nice... timid... quick. After that, I followed him to see if i could learn some things from him. I saw a foot dressing, which i assisted in. He disappeared after that. At the time of vitals, I sat by the desk next to him charting information. Somehow, the topic reached from which year i was in to 50 shades of grey. He laughed at my little comments heartily.

He gave a patient a placebo, which made me laugh and feel amused. It was the first time i saw that being given on the ward. While we spoke his eyes were fixed on me. I could feel it. I tried not to look at him to look like a lioness with meat in front of her. He called me to learn about meds. It was he and I alone until my rowdy colleague joined us. She shows her true colors when her best friend isn't around. She made it very clear to a doctor that i am not her friend. I am just an associate. I really had no problem with that considering how lunatic she can behave. But being real, she is not a nice person. She is brutally insultive and over confident that she can do everything. While we we learning how to mix and pull up meds, i felt intimidated because she was right up in my face trying to take the position of the male nurse.

After that, brain studied and processed this new side i'm seeing of my colleague. I quizzed myself for a logical explaination but i just couldn't find any. She was just a bitch. I don't know if it surfaced, but while we were dispensing the meds to the patients, he asked me if i was ok silently. I nodded, said i was fine but he didn't take that for an answer. He asked me if the girl was my friend i said no. Just a colleague because that is what she said. He told me its sad but i disagreed. I showed him the tough shell that was built around my emotions. 

It's like he read every action, every emotion, like he looked into me and saw that i was not ok. He showed too much concern than he should be. I just kept it together for the sake of my dignity. His voice is warm. I know now i can't let things bother me while i'm around him. He'll definitely see or detect it. His shift ended at 1 pm and mine at 3 pm. I told him i run away from the ward at times and i did. He signalled to me that it was time to go and that he wanted me to come along. I walked downstairs with him. He offered me a ride which i accepted once it was ok with him.

On the way home, we talked, laughed, recollected. I knew i was going to see him again. I said goodbye and left his vehicle. The smile was painted on my face til i was halfway home. It all seems like a fantasy to me but the truth is... It was real.

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