Thursday 19 March 2015

Screw You and Your Perfect Life

Nothing says i dont give a shit like "Don't even bother to come to my wedding". But you know what, i'm not hurt, i'm really relieved. I can just ease back now and relax. No responsibility, no drama, no expense.

I never thought i'd be this straight forward before. I thought i'd pretend for the sake of other people's happiness but i dont know how to be anything but real anymore especially in this world filled with people who are waiting for you to step down to walk all over you. If they're not involving in my personal life, they're judging my actions. And for what? Self-satisfaction? You think you'll feel better about your life if other people's lives has scratches and dents.

Staying home from work for 2 days doesn't mean i can hide forever. I'm just trying my best to work this out and stand down for a while. I feel like i'm chasing the paper too fast that it just isn't coming in. I should just focus on the more important things. Like having a life for once and breathing fresh air, and getting to know people who will affect my life in a great way..

So here we are again, the same old people who were good before. Talking about how life is a mess.. We're just beautifully challenged misfits.

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