Sunday 22 March 2015

The Fantasies of a Misfit

I don't consider my life complicated or conflicted. I consider it really awesome because of the multiple fantasies i create and act out in my head.

I see couples on a daily basis holding hands, hugging, kissing, being there for each other and i'm like 'get a room already'. I say that not because i'm bitter, it's because i dont wanna see something that will make me realize that i'm single. I like being single but at times i wish i could hold someone's hand and hug them. Am i asking for too much? I don't think so.
I just pushed away my potential sweetheart... Doesn't feel all that peachy but maybe i'm being less selfish this way. I rather him see all that is out there than me just boring him with my simple pathetic life. I don't have a problem with my life though.. I think it's just fine. I just wonder what is there to look forward to.
So i decide i'll create my story. The perfect love story. Day by day i'll gather the pieces and when it sounds good enough to be a novel i'll pray that it comes alive.

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