Monday 26 May 2014

Desire Vs. Lust

These days we're not getting to see each other and it's just tearing me up inside. I have to sort my feelings and remind myself that this distance will cause my mind to stray. I have to pray real hard so that this desire to kiss you and hold you and be close to you doesn't turn into lust.

Which girl doesn't wanna be kissed? I mean... It's in our blood. Both men and women. I miss him a lot and I really love how things are going between us and I believe that distance doesn't weaken our love but that doesn't mean i don't wanna at least see him. We went deep into 'love' the other day. We talked about feelings, we got angry and we came to the point where we both acknowledged how great the other person is.

There are so many movies that display kissing, intense motions and actions and I could imagine he and I doing those things. I'm not interested in that part of him, I rather have an emotional connection first and leave the more intimate sections for later in the future. I love him, but I want to be with him in person too. One day I wouldn't have to wonder when i'll see him again. It'll just happen as the wind blows.

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