Saturday 10 May 2014

You're here

It's strange how you changed your mind about our relationship. You made me cry, you made me almost give up on you and then you came back.

I guess my plan worked. I stood my ground and was brave enough to face my tough situations without you and you're here now when everything is okay. So you proved me wrong... you're not only here when everything goes haywire. You're what i needed to be inspired to keep my dreams alive. You're not my everything though. God is and will always be.

It seems like our relationship is different and as the days go by i'm understanding it a lot better. You may not always be there, but maybe it's what i need. With my school and work and family drama going on, you appreciate my busy schedule so you take a step back. I don't mind that because i don't like people nagging me but i'll need you sometime. (All the time but i can't be selfish). All i have to say now is don't let me down. I've let you back in for a reason..

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