Wednesday 28 May 2014

House, Not Home

This here, isn't what I expected living at home would be like. It makes me feel like we're strangers. My father is always rattling about some foolish things and makes it very uncomfortable for us to live here. He keeps telling us to leave and if we had somewhere to go right now we would.

Lord alone knows what his plans are but we know one thing; we're not a part of those plans. We all try our best to hold the peace but it gets very difficult when someone keeps quarelling about nothing. I don't know why he did not stay where he was and just support us financially. It was so much better all the time. Life isn't peaches and cream right now but somehow we're all holding it together for the sake of the three of us. He, can stay and rot in his house. I'm sorry for my thoughts and my harsh words but that is what he wants. That's what he's been asking for, for the last couples days and weeks.

I really need to get this job because I have no money coming in my hands at the moment. I am just holding on to the hope that I could right the wrong and get my job back. I know a lot would have regret quitting their job but i didn't regret it when i quit mine. I just learnt how to deal with everyone and everything as it comes along. Nobody understood what took place with me when i was in my position. I knew. I didn't have the outlook like i have now. With my faith, I stand strong and keep praying.

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