Sunday 4 May 2014

Somewhere in the Middle

Right now i'm feeling so anxious.. I quit my job yesterday and i don't know how to feel right now.

You called me yesterday on finding out that i quit because you didn't believe it. You acted like you gave a damn and told me you love me. How can i accept that. You always show up when everything goes haywire! I don't need you to be there only then! I need you all the time. Make me feel like i'm good enough for you and not just a charity case.

I don't need your pity or your "concern". I have Jesus to turn to for those things and even he doesn't pity me. He gives me strength. No man on earth can ever do that for me. The only reason I did not reply to your texts it was not only to spite you, it was because i dont want to talk to you. You always say something that will end up making things difficult like if you know everything. You pushed me to the edge until i was about to fall and then you reached for my hand at the last minute.

My friends show me more concern than you do and that should tell you something... If you want me... REALLY WANT ME.. then prove it.

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