Saturday 31 May 2014

Let's Fantasize

There's a girl. Actually a woman. She has made a name for herself. She fights bravely like no other. From the moment she feels threatened she guards herself but there's more...

She is in love with a prince. He holds much rank and knows a lot about fighting himself. She taught him how to control his anger and to be calm in unpleasant situations. He admires her, but is afraid to put himself foward. He doesn't want to be seen as weak. He doesn't want to let his guard down for her.

She can break those walls but it will take courage and strength, both skills she possesses. She wonders when she has the silence, "Why does he disappear into the night like a dark wolf and then reappears all of a sudden?" He always says thats what he's about but sometimes she doesn't want him to fight for her. She wants to do it herself because that's the way she always knew. Its great to have another soldier on your side but we are responsible for our own lives. One slip and the fight is over and it's not worth it.

Question is: How does she break that wall?

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