So I had this genius idea to come up with a way to combat loser guys who think that women are just chew toys. I call it "TEAM SAVAGE". Rules are: anything goes. Once it's legal, morally accepted by a few women and approved by the founder ---> ME, then it's put into action. So without further ado, here are the first few steps.
A guy asked me to hang out with him until it was time to go to church to break in the new year but you know what? I don't like people to put me on time frames. Sorry, that's so 2016. Excuse was poor but the guy actually bought it. "I have to water my plants... My kitten needs me". Haha.. If I could had framed that moment I would.
The other one I called for help for a serious situation and he treated me like I was just a helpless citizen as everyone else. I think certain professions desensitize people into thinking that friendships are secretly plotting to destroy their lives forever. Well I know exactly how to handle those sort of people. You're gonna get the blue tick and nothing more. Since i'm just an accessory to your life and nothing more.
My new year resolution.. I have none. Life is unpredictable. One minute you're in school and the next you're riding a police jeep to the police station for beating a guy senseless for mistreating a woman. Not saying this actually happened or will actually happen but I have to remain open to all possibilities. When I realized the game that was being played, I found out ways to play it myself. Once you have a game controller you can alter the configurations to suit your comfort. I do not do these things for satisfaction. I do it for justice.